Empower Others and Thrive!

I recently had the honor of speaking at the Arkansas Farm Bureau State Convention in Hot Springs the end of November.  With this honor came the opportunity to meet some folks that impacted me in various ways.  Some “knew” of our daughter, Savannah, and her 10 ½ week “race of her life”. Others shared they, too, had “lost contact” with their children. Some told me of their devastating losses, while others spoke of indescribable challenges they have (or do) face.  Then, there were some people who simply wanted to encourage me with “pearls of wisdom”, encouraging words, and heart-felt nods and smiles.  Regardless of the manner these individuals chose to interact with me, they had one thing in common.  They were willing to keep going, keep moving, and keep impacting others (namely, me) despite what they were facing or had been through.  By “impacting”, I am suggesting these people are willing and able to make a difference in other’s lives.  They may be making this difference through their involvement within the agricultural community, by developing relationships, or simply living in the moment. Regardless, they were all willing to “empower” others (a.k.a., me)!

The convention’s “theme” was Empower Your Grassroots.  Prior to me speaking at the leadership luncheon, participants had the opportunity to attend very specific sessions regarding “empowering” others in various areas of agricultural importance.  As I was thinking about this theme and my own experiences, I came to appreciate a stark reality … it’s not enough to have knowledge and expertise, we must act on this knowledge to empower others to effectively make a difference.  Said a different way, it doesn’t matter how much you know, it’s what you do with that knowledge that matters.  In addition to the “what” we do with that knowledge is the manner we go about “empowering” others.

As I began preparing to speak, I became intrigued as to what the phrase, EMPOWER YOUR GRASSROOTS, meant.  So, I began looking at specific definitions: Grassroots – basics, fundamentals; Empower – to “give” authority / power to someone else; and Your – of you, relating to you, belonging to you.  As I consulted The Book of Stephanie (which doesn’t exist), I discovered my definition of this phrase, “empower your grassroots”.  I believe this phrase means to give someone else the gift of your authority, power, or knowledge so that they, along with you, can make a difference.

I believe that this is one of the things we are created to do … EMPOWER others!  As we experience all that life has to offer, we are given endless opportunities to learn and grow. Some of the opportunities are “pleasant”, some are not.  Some opportunities bring “easy” lessons, others “hard”.  Some are “desired”, others “devastating”.  Once we receive the challenge to “learn” these lessons or “grow” from these experiences, I believe we are to encourage others who find themselves in similar situations.  I also believe we are to “seek” opportunities to make a difference as we continually grow.  I’m discovering that my purpose in life has more to do with the “how” I go about something and the “who” I do it with, than the “what” I do.   Let me explain.  As I prepare for a speaking engagement, a blog post, a coaching session, or personal interaction, I must remind myself the actual “knowledge” or “expertise” or “information” isn’t the most impactful part of this opportunity.  The most impactful parts of these opportunities are who I am with and how I go about each one; therefore, I consider the following in my day-to-day life:

The “Who”

  • I pay close attention to whom I am with, NOT focused solely on myself.
    • What are their experiences? What are their interests? What are their gifts?  What is their perspective?
  • I consider what I have to offer them, NOT what can they offer me.
    • What can I do to make their experience better? Richer? What can I do to bless them?
  • I strive to listen to them, NOT wait until they finish talking so I can have my say.
    • What are they saying? What can I do to let them know I hear and appreciate them?

The “How”

  • I check my motives, NOT force my own agenda.
    • I am in the habit of asking myself “why” I am doing something. Is it to “empower” others or to give me power? Is it to get something done “my” way or the “best” way?
  • I try to be more concerned about being respectful, NOT so much as being right.
    • How can I respect the other person(s) while disagreeing? Will my interaction be fruitful, beneficial, and empowering?
  • I focus on the Greater Good, NOT personal gain.
    • What is best to do right now that will result in the most gain for everyone involved?

When I become focused on myself, my agenda, my well-being, and my gain, I lose my purpose in life.  This not only makes life “about  me”, keeping the focus on me puts tremendous pressure on myself to be the best, the “most” right, and the first.  When I focus on others, I am fully manifesting my purpose in life which is to allow myself to grow so that I may empower others and in doing so, we become more like Him, our Heavenly Father.

During this Christmas season, we tend to be in situations to be around others more often.  Let’s focus on others as Christ did for us.  He came to Earth as a mere babe born to impoverished parents.  He respected others without judgement.  He listened to others and sought the Greater Good with peace, harmony, and love.

I’ve come to realize Savannah is an “empower-er” of others.  Please enjoy this picture of her sitting with Santa.  I now envision Savannah in The Father’s lap while spending time with Jesus while partying at the Greatest Birthday Party Ever!!  Merry Christmas to you all!

May you be blessed this Christmas as you empower others and THRIVE!
