Embrace the Pause

What is a “pause”? What does it mean to “take a break”. In the times when we are “still”, are we legitimately “still” in all aspects of our being? Or, are there parts of our being that are in control or moving or firing? Do we micromanage our breaks by having an agenda? If I were to watch a movie […]

Ain’t No Mountain High Enough

Valentine’s Day is here.   It’s a nice day to remember those in our life that we love.  To confess, it’s just not a big deal at our house.  Really, neither is Father’s Day and Mother’s Day.  I know, I know … it’s “un-American” or something, but it’s true.  Tim and I trade cards that are heartfelt but left around for […]

Take the Spiritual “Nestea Plunge”

Back in the late 70’s, Nestea encouraged everyone to “Take the Nestea Plunge”.  This was a long-running advertising campaign that featured people becoming completely refreshed when drinking this tea.  Literally, with just one gulp, your environment around you changed and you found yourself no longer standing on the ground, tired, and worn out.  No, the ground turned to water and you […]