Enjoying the Process

It’s amazing what you learn when you simply “listen” to the people you encounter.  I can’t wait for you to read this blog.  Meet my friend, Shannon.  She was recently telling me about a how a “simple” task became a metaphor of her life.  I asked if she would consider writing about it so I could share with you.  Our […]

Count Your Blessings and Thrive!

“I have decided to stick with love, hate is too great a burden to bear.” These are words of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.  Today, as we remember his legacy, let’s soak in these words.  “Stick with love”. “Hate” … “too great a burden”. What are you sticking with?  What guides your mindset and your day-to-day interactions with others? Are […]

Establish Your Core, Live in Harmony

Balance. Powerful word.  Without it, we cannot function.  Balance is essential in the physical, spiritual, emotional, and social realms of our lives.  We need to find this sense of equilibrium in our work and our pleasure; in what we “want” to do and what we “must” do. It is vital to our ability to thrive. Balance is a hot concept […]

Where is Your Light Shining?

Last week, I was asked to submit a short video clip of encouragement on behalf of my daughter, Savannah. My first response? “Nope, not gonna do it.” I knew this would be a challenge for me.  It would be challenging for several reasons.  I am 51 and Savannah would have been turning 24 soon. It’s obvious there’s a huge difference […]