What’s It Gonna Take?

It has been a very busy two-week span.  Isabella has gone with the graduating seniors from the First Baptist Church – Ruston for a trip zip-lining, white water rafting, canoeing, and, basically, just chillin’ out in the mountains. She has graduated high school … and she has graduated WELL! And, tomorrow morning, she and I will leave out with a group she graduated with on a 7-day Caribbean cruise.  Crazy times!  I am so proud of her and the level of maturity she has HAD to exhibit this year.  I am so, so fortunate she is my daughter.  Tim and I are celebrating 27 years of “wedded bliss” today. Man, I sure do love my “Hunka, Hunka Burnin’ Love”!  I spoke at the Catholic church on the campus of the University of Louisiana at Monroe on May 14th (Mother’s Day).  It was a surreal, holy day.  Father Job and the parishioners were so humble and allowed me to share about Savannah and how God blessed the prayers of the faithful.  What a way to spend Mother’s Day talking about my firstborn and a Holy God.  On Wednesday, May 24th, I spoke at the Union Baptist Church in DeVille, LA.  This church has an anointed ministry to the bereaved, Grief Share.  This is a non-denominational 13-week small group that supports those of us grieving.  This beautiful community has experienced an unbelievable amount of tragedy over the last few months with the loss of five young people between the ages of 14-21 (five beautiful souls lost in a couple of months).  The tenderness in this community was evident.  I was so touched and honored to be speaking there.  No words can describe the bond that those of us grieving feel toward one another.  The picture is of a framed portrait they gave me to treasure until I get to see this personally.  What a beautiful reminder of what this life is all about!

I hope you missed my blog last week, really, I do.  I am so encouraged that people tell me they look forward to these blogs.  I hope you missed it, because I did not write one.  Writing these are cathartic for me.   I am seeking to be Spirit-led.  There has been two separate weeks that I have not written a blog.  Both times, when I go to write or as I am thinking of writing … nothing comes.  I do not want to do anything anymore that is not divinely inspired.  So, if I don’t post a blog, then there is a reason (I may not know why) I was not supposed to blog.  I feel God has something to say through me and I don’t want to tarnish Him by posting for posting’s sake.

I have spent recent days reading material, listening to inspirational and motivational speeches, and talking with people.  I am reminded that we tend to hear the same messages over-and-over again.  “Reach for the Stars”.  “Dream Big”.  “Make a Difference”.  “Love is What Matters”.  “Golden Rule”. “Be Positive”. “Look for Possibilities”.   We hear things repeatedly, yet we rarely budge. We say things, such as, “I really should do this or that”.  “I know I’m supposed to do such and such”.  “I wish I could do … “.  So, listen up … “The more things change, the more things stay the same”.  You ask other people and they will agree that these speeches and words of encouragement are important, valid, and worthwhile … yet, we do nothing.

So, I ask you …

What’s It Gonna Take for you to finally do whatever that is

that you need, want, or feel like you should do?

I found that people whose children had moved into Eternity used to provide needed reminders to me that I should cherish every moment.  I needed to live in the present because tomorrow wasn’t promised.  I needed to focus on what was most important.  However, these were simply reminders.  I never did anything to make this a part of my existence.  I would allow my circumstances to run my life.  Well, NOW I am that person whose child has moved into Eternity.  I see CLEARLY that these things were not just good ideas or “shoulds”.  These are things that MUST be part of our existence so that our lives are valued, make a difference, and are thriving.

I want to encourage you to NOT WAIT for a tragedy to change your perspective and give you motivation.  You possess the ability to change now, and CHANGE NOW.  If you choose to change and put these things to life in your existence, you can change the trajectory of your life and make a difference in others.  When we allow ourselves to put these things off, guess what? They never do and when tragedy strikes or our lives are coming to an end, we find ourselves regretting it.  “Why didn’t I go ahead and make contact with them?” “Why didn’t I call them?” “Why didn’t I plan that trip?” “Why didn’t I tell them I loved them more?” “Why didn’t I forgive them?” “Why didn’t I change my career?” Why is a dangerous question to ask when time is not on our side.  Well, you can choose to look back on your life and know that you have no regrets.  But, that takes a choice … NOW!

Ask yourself new questions.

“What do I want in life?”

“What do I need?”

“What are my possibilities?”

“What do others need from me?”

 “What is the best thing to do right now?”

“What is keeping me from forgiving?”

“Why not?”

“What can I do to help?”

Once you ask the questions, entertain the options, and then JUST GO DO IT!  I encourage you NOT wait until you have no options.  The time is now.  When I decided to retire, a dear colleague and mentor shared a book with me.  I have given it as graduation gifts this year.  I encourage you to check it out and pass it on.  It is from Seth Godin and the title is “What to Do When It’s Your Turn, and It’s Always Your Turn”.

May you be blessed, get busy, and THRIVE!!!


One thought on “What’s It Gonna Take?

  1. Loved your blog this week. I know all are blessed to hear you speak. You have such a way with words. Keep on Thriving..😍😍 happy anniversary to you’ll also. Many you be blessed with many more years to come.💏💏

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