Got to Do It? … Get to Do It? It’s Up to You!

GOT to Do It? ... GET to DO IT? It's Up to YOU!!!

Thank you for the overwhelming encouragement regarding the recent I’m Alive 2 Thrive blog and newsletter. This week, I have been infused with love and compassion as I have had the privilege to speak with some God-fearing, Jesus-seeking men from northeast Louisiana. We met Wednesday morning during their weekly, community-wide prayer breakfast. (Thank you, dear gentlemen, for allowing me that opportunity.)  I came home afterwards and sent out the February newsletter.

Our journey has taught us the value of “presence”. Being present, not only in the moment, but present with others you care about. Therefore, Tim and I spent yesterday with some dear family friends in the hospital waiting room as the patriarch of their family was having open heart surgery. Our friend’s aunt and uncle, whom I’ve never met, introduced themselves to us and shared they had followed Savannah’s story. Once they told me their name, I recognized them from Facebook and knew they had prayed for our firstborn.

I can’t think of a more appropriate word than “overwhelmed”. I am beyond overwhelmed that so many people continue to be touched by Savannah. The more I am allowed to share about Savannah’s race, the more I am reminded how she THRIVED in this life.

Today’s blog goes more in-depth in regards to how we can begin to thrive. For six weeks following Savannah’s celebration in November, God and I talked a lot about how to - NOT just “go on” or “manage” - but how can we begin to THRIVE like Savannah. I shared the practical things God and I talked about in the February newsletter. The first thing God showed me was to change my “mindset”. Choose to change how we think about our situations and circumstances!

Mindset is defined by Merriam-Webster as “a mental attitude or inclination”. Additionally, the “Book of Stephanie” would have added … “and, your attitude is everything” (… if the “Book of Stephanie” were an actual book). Our attitudes do determine how we perceive a situation, circumstance, or event. We can’t necessarily change our situations, circumstances, or events in our lives but we CAN change how we think about them. If our attitude views life as an endless “to-do” list, we will begin to feel that this “list” dictates our lives and is ultimately in charge of our life. Our “GOT to dos” begin ruining our lives. We will “feel” we have no control as we are just trying to survive. This will cause us to miss out on the important things in life…those things that truly matter to us. I remember thinking, “I gotta do _____” and my “gotta dos” were endless. When having this mindset, I missed out on some good times and I felt worn out most of the time. Just chasing my tail, so to speak. I just didn’t have any time and I was just too busy.

Changing our mindset about our situations, circumstances, and events can be life-changing. Not only do we begin to see our life full of opportunities, changing our mindset from “got to do” to “get to do”, will help us begin to feel more fulfilled and valued. I don’t “have to” clean the kitchen…I “get to” clean the kitchen. I don’t “have to” go to work…I “get to” go to work. Changing your mindset does not change what you do, but sets the stage for a positive outlook for you to do it.

I was reminded of this yesterday while talking with my brother. I shared with him a very tender moment I had with Savannah while she was in the hospital. This was during a period of time after her amputations and when we had finally discovered how to read her sweet little lips. She was communicating a good deal with us at this time…these were the really good days. She said, “I know this is gross, but would you take your finger and get this hair out of my mouth?”. Let me tell you, I am tearing up as I type this, this was such an honor! I remember that precious time so vividly. Oh, my heart is so full! Oh, how I wish I could do that again! At that moment, I knew this was an opportunity. I GET to get that hair out of my firstborn’s mouth…NOT I HAVE TO… and, she WANTED me to do this for her! I was and am so proud and honored!

To be completely honest, at any other time of our lives, she likely wouldn’t have asked or needed me to do that. And, if she had, I would have probably given her some grief about it!

Attitude and perspective.

Not to be melodramatic, but completely real, RE-THINK YOUR ATTITUDE toward your situations, circumstances, and events. You may not have another opportunity. I do not say this to promote fear or anxiety. One cannot thrive in an environment of constant fearfulness and anxiousness. We are given one life, the same 24-hour day that everyone else has. It is up to us to approach this life as an “opportunity”.  An opportunity to love, to serve, to encourage, to motivate, to be…you get the picture.

This attitude change is a choice. I have made this choice. I can honestly say that the more you choose to change your mindset to “get to”, the more it becomes part of who you are. Luke 6:45 says, “…what you say flows from what is in your heart.” Your heart will begin to change and you will begin to see your life as an opportunity and full of gifts. This, in turn, will help you speak with more encouragement and positivity. Thus, causing a positive effect on all those you come in contact with in your daily life. The "vicious cycle" will turn into a "circle of positivity".

I encourage you to choose to see your life chock-full of “GET TOs”.
It’s up to you!!!

Much love and opportunities! Go THRIVE!

(Oh, by the way, if you have not received your newsletter, and thought you signed up, please re-submit the sign-up form on the website. There were several email addresses that did not deliver.)

2 thoughts on “Got to Do It? … Get to Do It? It’s Up to You!

  1. Thank you Stephanie! If we all realized how blessed we are the world would be such a better place! Thavk you for reminding us so that we can look at the positive and not the negative!

  2. Wow! I needed this and needed it right now! I think I’m going to retype my planner sheets to say “Get to Do’s.” Thanks for an attitude adjustment as my dad would say. ❤

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