What’s Love Got to Do With It?

Everything. Absolutely everything.

I’m not wanting to discuss the meaning of the song by Tina Turner (however, it was a good jam “back in the day”).  I do, though, want to gnaw on the title.  I find that the title is so profound. What’s love got to do with it?  Spend some time thinking about what love has to do with anything … my answer…everything.

I’m wondering if we asked this question of our every thought, action, relationship … would we think, act, and relate any different than we do now?  What if, before we responded to an infraction against us, we thought about loving that person instead?  What if we chose to shower that cashier at the discount store with love, instead of ignoring them? What if we offer grace freely to our coworker,friends, spouse, parents, and/or children when they are obviously struggling to show us grace? How would our immediate world be? How would we be? How would they be? How would us showing them love impact how they interact with others?  Could this start a chain reaction? I think so.

Philippians 1:30 (TLB) tells us that “we are in this fight together” (OK, this reminds me of the High School Musical song… “we’re all in this together…”, forgive me, I digress.)  Romans 12:5 (NLT) explains that “we are many parts of one body, and we all belong to each other”.  These two scriptures let me know that God created us to be in community — always! These scriptures reveal to me that we are not to do this thing, called LIFE, alone. I am also made aware that we ALL serve a purpose in the body of Christ.  We are need and owe it to one another to be there for and with each other. There is scientific evidence that suggests that helping others can be as therapeutic in treating depression as some medications.  We know that having friends boosts our mood, helps us stay on track, and promotes laughter. People in a social group report being happier, are healthier, and feel their lives have meaning. The benefits of people helping and being with other people are endless.

When Savannah was in the hospital, every need we had was met, many times before we even realized we had a need. Prayers were offered, food was provided, clothes were bought and washed for us, housing given to us, gifts and donations were made, words of encouragement were freely given, hugs, kisses, visits, pillows and blankets, gift baskets, books, journals, jelly beans, green teas, gift cards, the house put back together after the flood … my goodness, the list goes on and on and on! This was the truest picture I have ever seen how a community wraps someone up in love.  For us, love had EVERYTHING to do with our survival.  Because His faithful were loving us by being the hands, feet, soul, heart, mind, and words of Jesus, we were able to focus on Savannah, totally focus on her.  All were members of His body serving His purpose. Because people reached out to us, we could find a momentary distraction and enjoy good food, laugh, reminisce, and enjoy being with others.

1 Thessalonians 5:11 tells us to encourage each other and build each other up.  It does not say that were are to judge one another, tell each other what we “should” do, or criticize each other.  It says to encourage and build each other up.  Colossians 3:12 instructs us to “clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience”.  Let me say, the body of Christ did ALL these things! I was and still am so amazed at how people loved on us during the flood and for my Savannah’s entire 10½ week journey.  I want you to know, it continues today.

I had the flu the week of Savannah’s birthday, then I just couldn’t shake it.  Last weekend, I finally felt like myself and was able to spend Friday afternoon speaking to the Band of Sisters at Crosspoint Baptist Church in Baton Rouge, LA. How amazed I was to speak to this precious group of women who prayed for us …  yet, many did not know us! I traveled to the First Baptist Church in Jackson, MS and spoke to several Sunday School classes this past Sunday.  The love and compassion poured over me on behalf of Savannah was breath-taking. I drove home and finished my night talking to our own Life Group from Journey Church in Central, LA.  After speaking, Tim and I were surrounded by these prayer warriors who “just simply loved on us”.  Words cannot express the love shown to us.

Needless to say, I was emotionally drained on Monday.  The remainder of this week has been quite tender for me.  I use the word “tender” because I think it accurately describes my heart and emotions.  It seems that EVERYTHING reminds me of Savannah this week.  Heck, I teared up on the way home from Wal-Mart the other day because I passed the air freshener aisle and thought of her favorite types of air fresheners! I have grown to appreciate these tender moments, days, and weeks because this helps me keep my memories close.  I wanted to bring this up because I want to share how love continues to be shown to us.  I continue to receive words of encouragement, prayers, books, texts, Facebook messages, pictures, calls, and visits from the body of Christ! Some are from people I know well, others from people I don’t know at all!  These tend to occur during my tender moments.  This, my dear friends, is what it means to love on one another.  These individuals are taking a moment out of their busy day to love on me.  I do not feel that my family is in this alone.  We are loved and, in my grief-stricken state, this does provide me moments of comfort.

I will be speaking at The Pentecostals of the Twin Cities in West Monroe, LA on March 18th.  I cannot wait! The love and compassion that surrounds me when I speak is a soothing salve for my broken heart.  I am so thankful that God has allowed me to personally thank people who have supported us.  Doing so has put me “smack-dab” in the center of His faithful servants who are actively participating in my healing by their love. 1 John 4:12 (NIV) says that “no eye has ever seen God; but if we love one another, God lives in us and His love is made complete in us”.  I am seeing and experiencing the love of God.

So, What’s Love Got to Do with It?  E. V. E. R. Y. T. H. I. N. G.!!!

Now, go LOVE and THRIVE!


4 thoughts on “What’s Love Got to Do With It?

  1. Oh Stephanie how you continue to amaze me! Thanks for sharing your journey – much much love and big big hugs!!

  2. I just went to see The Shack and learned again that love is always the best answer to everything,

  3. Stephanie, you are amazing and such a servant for God! How amazing that you have taken the most heartbreaking situation you could endure and used it as a witness of God’s love. Praying for you often. Debbie Pruitt (Lincoln Center alumnae–lol)

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