It’s All in How You Look at It

Yes!!!! Yes!!!! Yes!!!

Finally, a morning that my sweat drops are not sweating!

Finally, a morning that I can sit outside and not feel like I’ve stepped into an oven set to BROIL!

Finally, a morning that Mojeaux and Macheaux breathe in fresh air and not pant like a raging locomotive!


Ahhhhh … Autumn may become a reality and not stay a myth!

This is my vantage point this morning.  You can’t see Mojeaux but he is spying on the neighbor’s dogs between the cracks of the wooden fence.  Moxie is guarding the space behind me to discover any shadows or reflections that may interfere with our peaceful setting. Macheaux is surveying his territory to make sure the squirrels behave.  And, I am sitting in “my chair”, laptop in my lap, about to start this week’s blog.  I sit here for a second and savor. I’m not only enjoying the reduced humidity and light breeze but, the sights and sounds.  We are finally reaping the fruits of Tim’s labor to make sure the hummingbirds feel invited to our back yard and courtyard. Hummingbirds are whizzing by me, chirping along, and playing chase with each other.  The parakeets are letting the other birds know that THIS IS THEIR TERRITORY and all the other birds are just visitors.  An occasional yellow butterfly gracefully calls my attention … I thank Savannah in my heart for sending me this butterfly (that’s a story for a different time).

Ahhhhhh, indeed.

All I can think about at this moment is, “It’s all in how you look at it.”

I can easily allow myself to be distracted by the pots of dirt begging to have something blooming planted in them or the weeds growing in the flower beds.  I could pay attention to the fresh dirt Macheaux has “rearranged” trying to dig a hole to China.  I could get onto myself for neglecting to roll up that water hose days ago.  I can easily start reciting that proverbial “to-do” list. Yes, I can easily let myself get distracted, but I don’t.  No, I sit out here and enjoy, savor, appreciate, and thank God.

You see, “it’s all in how you look at it”.

Do those things “need” to be done? Yeah, probably.  But I can make time to do that, just not right now.  No, right now I am going to be still.  Be still and know that He is God!

Being aware of our mindset, looking at our circumstances through different perspectives, and determining the “best” course of action is so very powerful.  My career as a school psychologist helped me hone those skills professionally.  I wish I could tell you that I was a master at these practices in my personal life.  However, I would be lying.  It was not until my world was turned upside down and I was left to figure out this “new normal” did I realize the VALUE in evaluating my mindset, appreciating a change in perspective, and adopting a proactive lifestyle!  In order to keep living, I MUST do this.

This past weekend, I had the privilege and honor to speak to the women of the House of Prayer International in Monroe, Louisiana.  My heart is still bulging with love!  I met women who “KNEW” what I’ve been through.  I’ve met other women who have experienced devastating loss, maybe or maybe not in the form of the death of a child, but in the form of a death of an ideal, family member, marriage, or something else.  One woman introduced herself to me and told me she had “been where I am THREE times”!!!  When she said this, I cupped her beautiful face in my hands and asked, “You have buried three children?”.  She closed her eyes and nodded her head, “Yes.”  After I hugged her, I told her what a strong and amazing woman she is.  And, I mean that in the depths of my soul.

You see, all these women are amazing to me.  Because I KNOW the energy, work, and determination it takes to completely rely on God when you literally don’t know which end is up.  I don’t mean to rely on Him to pay your bills or complete your “to-do” list or make you feel better.  I mean COMPLETELY RELY on Him to get you out of the bed, find something to smile about, and keep on, keepin’ on!  I’m talking about the kind of reliance it takes to keep living.

These women I met (like the others I’ve met the last 2 years), whether they know it or not, are behaving in a manner that is contrary to how they feel.  They are actively looking at their situation from different perspectives.  They are deciding what is the best thing to do next to be able to make progress.

I am utterly amazed every time I speak at the sheer number of people who can relate to the loss that I feel.  When these people introduce themselves to me and tell me THEIR story, I just fall in love with them.  I learn so much and gain so much from each and every one of them.  I will be spending tomorrow afternoon with women who meet for a potluck and devotion once a month.  What is so special to me about these women, is that these women are widows.  They are choosing to live life without the love, support, and care of their “other half”.  I know what it feels like to lose a child.  Literally, a part of me is ripped out.  I have no idea what it is like for half of yourself to be gone!  I expect to gain so much from these precious women.

You see, it’s all about perspective.  It’s all in how we look at a situation.  Instead of looking at these encounters as sad, devastating, and awful, I see them as opportunities to love and be loved.  I see every one of these encounters as my first introduction to my new brother and sister.  I see these encounters as gifts.

God has given us amazing gifts, whether we choose to realize it, or not.

The gift of time.

The gift of a sound mind.

The gift of prayer.

The gift of others.

Oh, so many.

Is it time you evaluate your mindset and look at things from a different perspective? Is it time you receive your gifts and use them on your behalf?  I know I have reaped the benefits of them and so can you.

Make yourself look at it in a different way.  Receive and use your gifts. And, THRIVE!
