Stayin’ Alive

Snow Day!!!!!!

Or, as we say in south Louisiana, “SNEAUX DAY!!!”

One week ago, south Louisiana was blanketed with 3-6 inches of fluffy, perfect snow.  I mean, REAL snow.  Not that icy, crunchy mess we have gotten in the past.  Or, that wet, sloppy snow that makes a hideous mud-man, not a snowman.  This snow was luscious, light, and simply divine!  The kind of snow that makes a noise when you walk in it.  Yes, there is something divine about the “sound” of snow.  I mean the quietness, stillness that results from the ground, trees, and roofs coated in this marshmallow covering.  It reminds me of the quiet Isabella and I experienced in the hot air balloon ride we took in Phoenix, Arizona last year.  The balloon captain (not sure what to call the pilot of a balloon) turned off the gas and we floated for a few precious moments in utter silence.  Peaceful. I walked outside Friday several times just to “hear” the peace.  There is peace but also such energy that explodes when snow happens in the deep south.  There’s nothing more fun than a bunch of southern, country folks and red-necks draped in camo and/or the ONE winter coat they own.  The laughter, the snowball fights, the excitement … it’s “really just too much”.  The deep south closes down shop when it snows, because, quite frankly, we aren’t set up for driving or functioning in ice and snow.  Tim was home from the office.  Isabella was through with her first semester in college. I didn’t turn on the computer, didn’t blog, didn’t really “do” anything Friday and Saturday. So, we just hung out at the house, played in the snow, and binge-watched shows on Netflix.

It was “really just too much”!

Tim and I are surrounded by such deep, close friends.  This came to our realization a year and four months ago when our house flooded and Savannah became critically ill.  Yes, we loved our friends before, but didn’t appreciate how deep the bond was until then.  Our friends still reach out to us, love on us, and lift us up.  One of those precious friends sent me a text that helped me appreciate that this snow was a gift.  She helped me realize the snow was a gift given, honestly, to me.  You see she knows quite well, I act like a kid when the “thought” of a snowflake may occur.  I’m sure I drove my colleagues nuts when there was a possibility of a snow day.  I was the eternal optimist where snow was concerned.  This friend heard me say many years, “We WILL have a snow day!”  However, more times than not, I was back at work with her the next day on a day too warm for snow to form.  (Oh, well … it makes the actual snow days so much more precious when they come few and far between.) Anyway, my friend and colleague knew my admiration for snow and she also knows deeply how I feel on a day-to-day basis.  You see, we are kindred spirits, her firstborn was stripped from her too soon.  He, like Savannah, is a “ray of sunshine”.  He is someone you wanted to hang out with or get to know if you didn’t know him already.  When you were around him, he made you feel important and special.  He is a true gift.

So, my dear friend, KNEW.  She knew I was excited about the snow, but yearned for Savannah to be here to love it with me.  She knew the paradox of smiling and laughing while torn up on the inside.  She knew how excited we were to go skiing. She knew.  So, she sent me this text: “Good morning.  I hear it snowed down your way. Made me think that Savannah asked Jesus to send you an early Birthday and Christmas present. Letting you know how awesome it is to hang out with the King of the World. And to send you much love, Peace, and joy like the falling snow.” I just stopped and savored the thought.  She sent a subsequent text: “Yep, I can just see her telling Jesus how much y’all love snow and how you live in the deep south where it rarely, if ever, snows.  I think our precious kids send us gifts from Heaven a lot”. Wow!  This visual is POWERFUL!  I’m telling you I am surrounded by such wise, beautiful friends who aren’t afraid to step out of the box.  Another gift, indeed. This morning I asked her if I could share these texts.  Here’s the latest wise words from my dearest, “Don’t be surprised when Savannah sends you more gifts.  Her way of letting you know, all is well and ways she can continue to send you love”.  Now, those are the gifts that touch a cord, deep within the soul!

So, this snow day capped off a great week.  I spent last Monday of that week with my parents at MD Anderson Cancer Hospital meeting with my mother’s neurosurgeon and oncologist.  She was given the green light to continue treatment for her cancer. She is recovering well from surgery … albeit slow (slower than we want).  I spent the night with them, then attended a Christmas party with my colleagues I worked with … some over 20 years.  So many laughs and memories were shared.  I found myself responding to questions about how we are doing and I recall saying, “We are living, we are choosing to live”.  One precious lady knew all too well what that meant.  Her husband’s body became septic in recent years and she is left here “choosing to live” alone.  We had some heartfelt moments discussing this choice. It IS a choice.

Well, as it usually happens on the way home, I was jamming out to tunes on the four-hour drive.  The disco hit came on “Stayin’ Alive” from the BeeGees.  Now I was 10 years old when this hit became big, but I can tell you, I can sing every word.  I was reminded that I share a birthday with 2/3 of the BeeGees. Maurice and Robin are twins who I share a birthday with coming up this next week.

I’ll be 50 years old.  Wow! That’s all I can say about that … “That REALLY IS TOO MUCH”!!!

To me, the lyrics suggest a man who is “ALL THAT” on the outside but has some struggles being kicked around on the inside.  This sounds like every human being alive here on Earth.  “I get low and I get high, and if I can’t get either, I really try” tells of the struggle I face sometimes.  Or, in other words, from the Book of Stephanie, sometimes you just have to “keep on, keepin’ on” DESPITE the struggle, whether you “feel” like it or not.  It’s a choice to keep on “stayin’ alive” or “to keep on living”.  The song talks about “life goin’ nowhere” and calls out for “somebody help me”.  This adequately describes the “struggle”, the NEED for friends, and the choice.  I could stay in the despair, and I do sometimes.  However, I choose to keep “stayin’ alive”. So, when the time is right, I pick myself up and as the lyrics say, “Well, you can tell by the way I use my walk” … I get up and walk it out and LIVE.  Please appreciate this song at the “official video” at

I look for more gifts.

Last week was a phenomenal week.  I appreciate the gift of the week and all it held for me.  I am sharing a few snow pictures with you. One from our last ski trip together and some from this past gift of snow.

Thank you, Savannah, for the “gift” and thank you, Donna, for the “realization” and “anticipation” of future gifts.  Listen to the song. Figure out your “walk” and get to walking.

Much love to you as you STAY ALIVE and THRIVE!
