The Gift that Keeps on Giving

Thanksgiving at the “House of Payne” has come and gone.  We did not travel, we stayed home instead.  Tim, Isabella, and I just “hung out”, enjoyed each other, watched movies, and ate good food.  This was the first time in a long time that all three of us had all been home together for more than one night.  Isabella’s school schedule has been tight this Fall and, although, she is just 45 minutes away, she has been unable to stay home for more than a night.  When you factor in her tight schedule and our sporadic schedules, we know we must capture every moment we can! And, believe me, we do!  I cleared my schedule and we just did whatever we wanted to for the extended weekend.  Isabella is a delightful human being who brings laughter into our home and challenges us (all at the same time)!  We are so thankful for her.  Deeply thankful.

This week has been extremely busy for her as her first semester of college is nearing to a close.  So, I decided I would decorate for Christmas so she could come home to a warm, inviting, and cheerful setting this weekend to recharge before a week of finals.  As I put the ornaments on the tree, I was taken back to a time that, although busy and hectic, was full of precious memories with two little girls who loved Christmas.  I was reminded of numerous children’s Christmas programs, making their teacher’s ornaments and decorations to give as gifts, putting up the Christmas lights and setting “Big Fatty” (aka, huge blow-up Santa) on the roof, driving around to see other Christmas lights, drinking hot chocolate while putting up the tree, taking goofy family pictures for Christmas cards, making Christmas goodies with Savannah, reading the Christmas story in the barn with the animals (we hijacked that tradition from some dear friends … you know who you are), threatening Savannah and Isabella that we would separate them on Christmas Eve if they didn’t get to sleep NOW, and getting ready to go snow skiing during Christmas break.  These were just a few memories that flooded me.  There are so many more beautiful memories.

Yesterday, I decided to wrap the gifts already purchased.  While making sure I have the right box, choosing the perfect paper, and wrapping the gifts, two Christmas mornings came to mind.  Isabella was probably a toddler who was still staying with our beloved, Zelda, and Savannah was in kindergarten or first grade.  They had opened all the gifts under the tree but one. This box was quite large, especially considering we lived in a mobile home at the time and were packed tight in that little cracker box! (Gosh, we loved those times in that trailer.)   This box contained a gift that we thought would be enjoyable for the girls … and Tim … a HUGH remote controlled car (I think it was a monster truck, actually)!  He had a great idea of leaving the box open on one end, even though it “appeared” to be fully wrapped.  Tim was in another room with the remote control, revving up the engine.  The kids looked at each other with wonder and anticipation, then, at JUST THE RIGHT moment, Tim pushed the button and out of “wrapped” box burst the car!  It tore through the paper and hit the couch peeling out on the floor!  The kids jumped on the couches and laughed uncontrollably.  I still smile when I think about that.  Everybody was laughing!

The other Christmas morning I took time to remember was the morning Santa brought Isabella a golden-retriever puppy.  After Santa left the gifts, it was up to us parents to keep the 8-week old puppy quiet … all night long.  I don’t think I slept a wink that night scared that a whine or whimper would wake the girls up too soon.  We had moved into our house and the kid’s bedrooms were upstairs.  Although they were far away from the puppy, sound traveled in that house and no matter where you were, you could hear ANYTHING going on in another room.   Well, the kids woke up in the WEE hours of the morning, like 3 am or something crazy like that, so we let them just stay up (why not?).  The puppy stayed quiet until they were almost through enjoying Santa’s treasures when, lo’ and behold, a bark!  Then, a dog kennel was spotted behind the couch!  The level of hype in that house before daylight rose to epic status!  A PUPPY! The laughter and excitement, I can still feel now, so many years later!

I have many friends and family that are excellent “gift-givers”.  They give all year long!  I am in awe of them. Well, I’ll admit, I’m not one of them.  I give gifts one time a year (at Christmas) and on occasions gifts are expected (birthdays, weddings, showers, etc.).  However, I love the feeling of giving a gift that represents something I want to convey to the recipient.  That feeling of anticipation is like an adrenaline rush.  I love to see delight on other’s faces.  I must say, Savannah is a great “gift-giver”.  Now, those gifts she gave me are even more precious to me than I originally realized at the time.

Let me get back to task. So, as I was decorating and wrapping, I got to thinking about what a gift is.  Merriam-Webster notes a gift as “a notable capacity, talent, or endowment; something voluntarily transferred by one person to another without compensation; the act, right, or power of giving”.

A gift.

So, what are your gifts? What “gift” can you give freely to another? I started thinking about what gift do I give? I realize that although I don’t give tangible gifts, I do try to give encouragement whenever I can.  I’d like to encourage you to think about what “gift” you can give away freely.  These gifts are given to us to share with others.  Go be a gift to someone else.

I then thought about Scripture that tells us we are given gifts by our Heavenly Father.  Luke 11:13 says, “If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him?”  I want to encourage you to read Scripture about the gifts of God.  As parents, I look forward to imparting gifts freely to my children.  As I give to friends and family, I wait in anticipation for them to open the gifts I’ve chosen for them.  I ask again, how much more does our Heavenly Father choose the PERFECT gift for us?

How much more will He give us just what we need at the exact moment we need it?

I want to encourage you to appreciate the gifts the Father gives.  If you’re not sure of the gifts He gives, find out.  If you are believers, start acting like you are a child of God full of all the gifts He gives.  If you are not believers, investigate the Holy Bible for the gifts available to all who call on Him.

I have learned that time is a gift from God.  Our time with Savannah was sacred, precious, fun, and numbered.  We did not have unlimited time with her on this side of Heaven, nor do we have unlimited time with anyone else here on Earth.  I say this to encourage you to look at each moment as a gift, whether pleasurable or not.  Each moment you have watching the rain, feeling the gentle breeze, petting your dog, disagreeing with your colleague, listening to your husband snore, telling your kids “one more time” to pick up their toys, and hearing “that” story for the bazillianth time … yes, those are gifts, not yet memories.  Our family has “gifts” with Isabella and “memories” with Savannah while we are here on Earth.  Take heed, let me encourage you to realize that time is the “gift that keeps on giving” for your “gifts of time” turn into memories.

I am reminded of a scene in National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation when Clark finally receives the gift he’s been waiting for … his hefty Christmas bonus … only to realize the gift is a membership in the “Jelly of the Month” Club.  In Clark’s horror, his goofball family member tells him that this membership is the “gift that keeps on giving”.  Not all moments of time will be pleasurable, but they are still “gifts”, indeed.

Our “gifts” turn into “memories”, and at some point, that will be all you have while here on Earth.

Enjoy every gift and savor every memory.

Please enjoy this picture of a gift Savannah gave to her teachers one year.  I remember painting these clay pots with her that Christmas.  No, they were not perfect, but they were painted by our hands.  I am going to talk more about this clay pot at another time but I want to share this picture now.  This pot was sent to me as a gift at a PERFECT TIME this July.  I will cherish it forever.

Give gifts, enjoy ALL the gifts of time given, savor every memory, and THRIVE!
