The Good Old Days

“I wish there was a way to know you’re in the good old days before you’ve actually left them.”

These words from the “corny” Andy Bernard, alumnus from Cornell University and employee at the Dunder-Mifflin Paper Company.  When I heard this, I stopped in my tracks.  You see, it was later in the evening and I was winding down from speaking at the Louisiana Student Nurses Convention in Marksville, Louisiana. That was such an amazing experience to be able to encourage student nurses that they do make a difference!  Anyway, the TV was on and I was roaming around the house “moving piles and straightening up” while still “processing” my experience.  The theme song for The Office came on and I turned it up.  I’d just listen to it while I piddled. Good idea! Isabella and her goofball friend, Bre, introduced Tim and I to this show.  Honestly, it took a little bit of commitment and determination but, soon, Tim and I were hooked.  We stream it sometimes before we go to bed, just to giggle a bit before dozing off.  This episode may have been the series finale, I’m not sure.  When I realized that, I stopped and watched the last few minutes of it.  Andy was being interviewed.  I love this character.  He’s goofy, light-hearted, and sensitive.  Andy isn’t afraid to show his vulnerable side.  I can relate to Andy.

I watched as he gazes into the camera and says, “I wish there was a way to know you’re in the good old days before you’ve actually left them”.  Wow!  Here’s the link so you can see it for yourself:

I sat there pondering that statement for a while, then popped up and wrote it down!  That’s profound in my world.

Andy admitted while he was working at Dunder-Mifflin, he reminisced about the “good old days” at Purdue.  (Yes, so much so, everyone got sick of hearing about it!  But, Andy never got tired of going “back there”.)  He goes on to say, after leaving Dunder-Mifflin, he still talks about the “good old days” with his new co-workers.  Except, he’s referring to his days at Dunder-Mifflin!  Then comes wisdom in the form of a simple statement: “I wish there was a way to know you’re in the good old days before you’ve actually left them”.

So, that was Friday night.   This weekend was a good one, indeed (how do you like that “indeed”, Isabella and Bre?) Indeed, it was.  Let me tell you why.  Isabella was home for her Fall Break.  She got caught up on homework so we didn’t “do” anything, but how sweet it is when the Baby is home!  We drank coffee, ate, laughed, and enjoyed each other’s company.  A time to savor.  She left Sunday around noon and Tim and I left to drive the four hours to north Louisiana to honor a life well-lived.  The mother of a dear friend of ours had moved into Eternity.  It was such a dear, sweet time seeing family, old friends, and just being “home”, even if it was just for a minute.

“Home”, for me, is good, warm, and fun.

I am reminded of a time two years ago. I packed up Savannah’s apartment when she was in the hospital because we knew her lifestyle had changed.  Earlier that year I remembered going shopping with her.  She loved inspirational quotes and encouraging statements.  This is one of her canvases she chose for her home.  I have it and it hangs over our door to the outdoor “sanctuary”, our back yard.  It’s so true!  It’s not the house we live in, but the life we live in it!  That’s what makes up the “good old days”!

Remembering my friend’s mother.  The good old days! When our loved ones are no longer with us OR when our life has changed and is on a different trajectory, the “good old days” can become a source of enjoyment, despite the tears of sorrow.  The good old days.

However, when considering the heartfelt desire of corny Andy Bernard, I believe there is a way to realize we ARE in the good old days “before” we leave them.  The key may lie in Savannah’s canvas.  It’s reminding ourselves that we are “living THIS life” and, at the same time, appreciate EVERY moment we are given.

How do we do that? By SAVORING!  I cannot say enough or put enough emphasis on this fact.  Enjoy where you are, who you are with, challenges you’re facing…MAKE yourself enjoy it.  Don’t rush the moment so you can mark off one more thing on your “to-do” list!  One way to do this is to slow down.  When you’re eating those bacon-cheese fries, TASTE them!  Savor them!  Do this with your experiences.  While you’re having dinner with someone you love, really look them in the eye.  Thank God, while you’re with them, for putting them in your life.  After you are home, maybe later that evening or possibly next week, re-remember your experience with them.  Savor it!  You’ll get a jolt of peace, love, and gratitude.

It’s no secret, my harsh reality is that I only have the remembrance of the “good old days” with Savannah.  Like dance days.  I LOVE THIS BUTTERFLY!!!!  The carpools, changing IN the car, waiting for class to end, the “endless” rehearsals, the constant check writing, preparing the dance bag.  The progress, cheeky smiles, the glittery makeup, the look your baby gives herself when she sees herself all dressed up in the mirror, watching their smiles grow with every performance.  The good old days, despite how exhausted or strapped for cash I was at the time.  All well worth it! Man, I love the good old days.

Yes, there are some of us who ONLY have “good old days” with some loved ones.  However, we all have “good old days” we are living right now!

Here’s some lyrics of a song I listened to yesterday morning, it’s by Rend Collective.  Counting EVERY Blessing (the emphasis is most definitely mine).  Sometimes we must MAKE ourselves think about our situations differently.  Sometimes we don’t “feel” like paying attention to our blessings because our hearts hurt too much.  Or, we are too exhausted.  Or, we just don’t “feel” like it.  I encourage you to do it anyway!

Soak in these lyrics:

I was blind, now I’m seeing in color
I was dead, now I’m living forever
I had failed, but You were my Redeemer
I’ve been blessed beyond all measure

I was lost, now I’m found by the Father
I’ve been changed from a ruin to treasure
I’ve been given a hope and a future
I’ve been blessed beyond all measure

Now watch the video:

Now, play it again and EXPERIENCE the song.  Close your eyes. Become the lyrics by visualizing them.  Allow yourself to feel the chill bumps break out.

Count your blessings, enjoy the good old days RIGHT NOW, savor, and THRIVE!
