The Show Must Go On

I’ve been thinking a lot about listening.  I’m talking about listening, not just hearing, but wholeheartedly listening to others.  Our 30th president, Calvin Coolidge (or “Silent Cal” to some) is credited as saying, “No man ever listened themselves out of a job.”  Listening is key to growth and success.  One CANNOT go astray when listening intently.

We certainly CAN go astray when we only hear the words, but do not take them to heart.  We can go astray when we ignore the entire message someone is trying to convey.  We can also go astray if we are too distracted to pay attention to the one in which we are communicating.

We refined our listening skills when Savannah, our firstborn, was in the hospital.  Her body was in severe septic shock as it was ravaged by infection causing her organs to shut down.  Thus, she was on a respirator for 2 ½ weeks and had a tracheotomy for 8 weeks.  I distinctly remember my last verbal conversation with her while in the emergency room.  She was hyperventilating, talking with a breathy voice, worried about her “to-do” list.  Unfortunately, things took a turn for the worse and she had to be placed on a respirator soon after this conversation.  Just prior to the trach being placed a few weeks later, she was able to answer “Yes/No” questions with nods and shakes of her head.  However, after the trach, she spelled words from an alphabet chart and we connected the letters so she could ask us questions.  Finally, as she improved, we were able to read her lips so we could have conversations, real conversations, with Savannah.   This type of listening required our total attention.  We had to listen with ALL of our senses.  Just so you know, Isabella was the best!  She had a knack and KNEW what her sister was saying and/or asking.

Listening is crucial, yet many of us make little attempt to hone in on this skill.  We seem to be listening. However, if a recording of our thoughts were being made, everyone would know we are just waiting for this person to quit talking so we can ask OUR question or tell them OUR tidbit of information.  Other times, we halfheartedly listen, because deep down, we THINK we know what the other person is going to say.  Active listening requires attention and focus.  We must listen to the words, read the body language, attend to the tone, understand the context … be completely devoted to understanding what our speaking partner is saying.  We must strive to understand what they are saying, here’s the tricky part, from THEIR perspective!  I must know where Tim is coming from in order to understand what he is saying to me.  My husband and I perceive the world in very unique ways.  Neither is “right” or “wrong”; but our perception IS our reality.  He and I will experience the SAME situation yet perceive it in different ways.  That’s the beauty of active listening.  I get to see the world in a whole new way when Tim tells me things from his perspective.  Likewise, Tim sees things in a broader sense when he “listens” to me and my perspective.

As noted above, I am thinking a lot about listening lately.  Not only am I listening to my people, I am listening to those who I don’t know.  Social media has opened up a new dimension so that we are able to have relationships with others that we would otherwise NOT know. In addition to the people in my circle and those in the “great beyond”, I am listening to God.  I am putting myself in places that I am actively trying to hear from God.  This involves me being more still, meditative, and introspective.  I’m looking for a word from God in every aspect of my life.

So, last night as I was watching The Greatest Showman about P.T. Barnum and I was taken by some powerful quotes that I want to share.

“No one ever made a difference by being like everyone else.”

“Comfort, the enemy of progress.”

“A man’s station is only limited by his imagination.”

“All we have left is friendship, love, and a work that I adore.”

“The show must go on.”

These quotes speak directly to me and the stage I find myself in this thing called LIFE.  I shared with several people this week that I feel God saying to me (quite boldly, I might add) “Come on! Let’s Me, you, and Savannah do this thing!!!” I’m not quite sure what this thing is, but I am sure that I am ready to move forward listening to Him!  So, off in uncharted territory we go!

Here’s what I know … I am ready to put myself “out there” as life coach, author, and speaker.  Within the life coaching arena, I am completing training to assist individuals with finding their purpose and meaning in life.  I am interested in and become energized when I see people striving to be their best!  Through coaching, people, not only discover their purpose, but they can figure out how to move forward.  I hope to help people who feel stuck, can’t get out of a fog (or, perhaps, the pit of grief, fear, negativity, or insecurity), desire a perspective change, and/or want assistance attaining a goal.

When considering putting myself out there as “author”, I feel God urging me to write a book, well, 4 books, actually.  So, I am working on a book proposal and we will see where we go from there!  I am also seeing more blogging in my future, as well as, developing newsletters.

As far as speaking goes, I will be developing a “Speaking” page on my website so that those who may want to consider me to come speak will have access to topics, endorsements, and ways to contact me.  As I said, this is uncharted territory for me …  AND, the SHOW MUST GO ON!!!

I told someone that it is exciting to me to be excited about something again.  I am going to be listening to God, my people, and others of interest.  I am praying to NOT be limited by my worries, fears, and insecurities.  I am going to allow God to push me and mold me, out of my comfort zone, and see where He leads.  Thank you for reading these blogs.  I can’t tell you how healing this process is for me.  Thank you for being part of my healing.  Please feel free to comment with any feedback.

If you visit my website (which is a work in progress), you will see my contact information.  Please provide your email address if you would like to receive the weekly blogs and monthly newsletters. The website is  If you have already provided your email, you  may consider doing so again as this has been recently updated.

These pictures are of our last family vacation.  Yes, we decided to take those sometimes lame family pics at the beach … and, gosh, I am sooooo glad we did.  Anyway, Savannah and Isabella thought it would be a good idea to pick their mom up, in the literal sense.  Well, let me be perfectly honest.  I am a big ol’ girl and big girls DO NOT GET PICKED UP, by NOBODY!!!! I fought it (and won!).  This picture represents us fighting change, new perspectives, and/or forward progression.  However, if we never allow ourselves to be pushed, picked up, or out of our comfort zone we won’t grow and see things from a different perspective.

So, the show MUST go on!!!! I can’t wait to see what it will be!

Let’s do this thing!

Please join me in actively listening to those around us and to HIM.  Allow yourself to get out of your comfort zone and progress forward.  And, THRIVE!



2 thoughts on “The Show Must Go On

  1. Stephanie, I am so happy for you. Thank you for telling the world your story. Good luck with your new endeavors.

  2. You are indeed one amazing woman! How Tim ended up with you I will never know, lol! God bless you as you seek to fulfill God’s will for your life! The Miley’s love you and your family!

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