What’s Your Name?

Ok, so I’m finally ready to share about “our little ray of sunshine” (and, I’m calling her this ever so facetiously).  Her name is Moxie and she is a bonafide pound puppy.  Before I discuss this little “ray of sunshine”, I want to lay a little groundwork. If you know me or know anything about me, you know we have a 70-lb. standard poodle named Mojeaux.  He is about as cool as they come in the dog world.  He is low maintenance, easy-going, and seems to feel like his sole mission in life is to love on others …  especially me.  He is calm and a true representation of a doggy-gentleman.  He will allow you to walk through the door first and waits for you to invite him in.  As I said many times before, if dogs could have human personas, his would be that of Barry White.  Mojeaux would speak with that buttery-smooth, deep voice that can put you at ease immediately while gazing intently into your soul with those beautiful, rich brown eyes (I regress, please accept my apology).  Mojeaux just makes our life easier and gives us a little love when we need it.

While Savannah, our firstborn, was in the hospital running the race of her life, Mojeaux was living the country-life with his cousin, Lucy, (a precious golden-doodle).  You see, our dear friends took my Mo in while we were with Savannah in the hospital.  He loves his cousins (Lucy, Jake, Hannah, and Blaze) and his Aunt Carleen and Uncle Greg who so graciously took care of him AND us.  Anyway, after Savannah moved into Eternity and we moved back home after 10 ½ weeks, it was hard to get it together.  Things would never be the same, yet we were in the same house, with the same furniture, same pictures on the wall, same back yard, and same Mo. Things were the same, YET OH SO DIFFERENT.  Something was needed to stir the pot, you know, to change things up a bit.  We had not laughed in what seemed like ages.  Yep, things needed to change.

We decided we needed a dog.  While Savannah was in the hospital, Tim said to her, “You know what I think you need? When you go home, I think you need a puppy.”  Those big brown eyes twinkled and she smiled in agreement. Now, to be honest, this surprised me a good bit.  Isabella had wanted another dog since our “dearly-beloved”, 14-year old Westie had moved on into doggy heaven about a year and a half earlier.  He was adamant that we “didn’t need another dog”.  Savannah was quite pleased to tell Isabella that Dad had said she could get a puppy when she gets home.  Isabella was not as pleased, but was excited about the prospects of getting another dog.  To be honest, I thought this was a great idea.  When the time came, I would find her a service dog (a standard poodle, of course).  Well, as life does, it did not turn out the way we intended.  After about a week or so, we started looking for a new addition to our family.  We decided on a poodle, but a smaller one, smaller than my Mo.  Our search ended empty-handed and, yet, we still needed to STIR THE POT!  Tim decided he would visit the local shelters … to no avail. He called me and said, “I’m going to run out to the pound to see what they have.” I said, “Great, Belle and I will meet you there.”  I should have known to be scared, (and very, very scared) when Tim said, “No, I’m good.”  I should have known he had an ulterior motive.  HE knew what HE wanted …  and, it wasn’t a full-bred poodle.  He wanted a little, man-puppy who could ride in his lap while driving to go work cows with Scott.

I remember that Saturday morning in December.  Savannah’s friends, (we affectionally called the Three Angels or the Three Amigos), Baylee, Kaitlyn, and Kellie were visiting us from Lake Charles.  We were all sitting calmly in our den and Tim opened the door and in ran the Tasmanian Devil.  This little black blur came busting through the crack in the door and shot like a torpedo straight into the den.  I grabbed hold of this blur and held her only for a second before she shot off to the next target!  She covered more ground in 60 seconds than Mo had in the 3 ½ years we’d lived there in that house!  The whole house erupted into nervous laughter.  It was good to laugh again.  It was great to hear laughter in that house.  Honestly, I think this Tasmanian Devil of a puppy was the catalyst we needed.  She definitely “stirred the pot”. Tim and Isabella would laugh uncontrollably.  This was salve for my shattered soul.

Now, I must admit, she is the exact OPPOSITE of everything in a dog that I had wanted at this time in my life. Honestly, I wanted another standard poodle; however, was compromising to get a smaller poodle.  Well, I knew I needed to compromise.  And, in my view, what a compromise I made!  I only had a few requests… (1) I did not want a puppy to have to train; (2) I did not want a yappy dog; and (3) I wanted a dog that did not shed.  Well, I want it to be known that this black blur was 3 MONTHS old, a chihuahua/terrier mix, AND a shedder!  I was forced into a MAJOR compromise!  Yes, I fought it for a couple of months.  I did, I’ll own it. She was a bur in my side! However, she has grown on me.  I do love that little ray of sunshine, NOW.

We wanted to name her something to honor Savannah.  We named her Moxie because the word, Moxie, adequately describes our firstborn.  Merriam – Webster describes Moxie as “energy, pep, courage, determination, and know-how”.  The site, www.thefreedictionary.com, describes Moxie as “the ability to face difficulty with spirit and courage”.  In reading more about the word Moxie, I found www.vocabulary.com says, “If you have moxie, you won’t let a minor setback stop you from trying again, because you’re a determined person who doesn’t give up easily.  Moxie describes someone with a fighting spirit”. Yep, that’s my baby!  Moxie.  And, let me tell you that this little pound puppy is a “little ray of sunshine” who is happy and won’t let her size get her down.  You can’t help but laugh when you’re trying to keep yourself from being licked to death!

This got me interested in what names mean.  So, I did a little reading about my daughter’s names.  I don’t remember where I found this but I still want to share.  Savannahs are known to be “the most-kindest and sweetest girl you will ever meet. She may be quiet at first but once you get to know her she will be the craziest and funnest person you’ve ever met. Usually a brunette but can also be a blonde. If you ever need advice, talk to Savannah, she has the best advice. If you ever meet a Savannah be sure to say hi because you won’t regret it.” Yep, that’s my Savannah.

Here’s what I found about people named Isabella … “Isabella is that type of person that will always be there for you. She is truly beautiful inside and out. Her personality is beyond perfect. She can be mean and rude at most times, but nice and sweet the rest of the times. She is very funny. When you’re around Isabella, you’ll never be frowning. She’s always laughing and smiling. You’ll never find her truly sad or mad. Her looks are just perfect. She has that look in her eyes that makes you feel comfortable. She is very pretty. Her laugh makes you smile. If you ever meet her, never let her go.” THAT is my baby!

Names. They ARE important.  We have no control over what our parents name us.  None, at all.  But, we have full control over what people call us and how others remember us.  We are known by our behavior and how we treat people. We have control over how people will remember us.  People remember how you make a difference in their life … not how smart you are, not how “right” you are, not how many things you own.  People remember how you make THEM feel.  How do you make people feel? How do people remember you? What names do people call you?  I’m not talking your actual given name, but when people talk or think about you, what are the names or descriptors that others use for you?

As those who knew Savannah talk to me about her, they share things about her character that reveal to me that she made them FEEL good.  She was interested in others.  Savannah had determination but could put herself second, if needed.  She was tough, yet humble.  And, fun!  She could laugh and we could laugh with AND at her!!!  Yep, Savannah is full of moxie.  Honestly, both my girls have moxie.  I love MOXIE (and the little pound puppy, too)!

Please enjoy this picture of Moxie that fully encapsulates my first born, Savannah.  Also, if you want to enjoy a little essence of Mojeaux, please enjoy a little Barry White: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ypyiAT1RelU

Find your moxie and THRIVE!
